The following items are available for use within the hall area:
In the Hall:
Chairs: Total 180, of which 63 are cushioned, 20 green stackable plastic,
48 red stackable plastic and 49 with arms
Tables: 8 Large tables (1830 x 685: 780 high); 6 smaller tables (915 x 685: 685 high);
9 small rigid tables (approx 750 square); 7 intermediate sized tables
About 10 Card tables; a number of trestle tables
In the Kitchen:
Electric Urn for continuous hot water + hot and cold running water with sink + electric kettle
Twin Electric oven with 6 burner gas hob
Fridge / Freezer - this is usually running all the time
Microwave Oven
High Speed dishwasher - this takes 30 minutes to heat up but the cycle is then only 3 minutes
Washing up liquid is provided but tea towels are not. These are the responsibility of the hirer to supply.
We do not provide waste facilities other than for small items, as designated in the 'Conditions of Hire'
Mops and brooms are in the main hall and toilet
The hatch from kitchen to main hall has an electric roller blind with controls to the right of the hatch
Electric Meters
There are now two electric meters, one in the new side hall, the other to the left of the stage. Users who use the
whole hall need only record the meter reading from the main hall sice it covers all power consumed on site,
whereas the one in the side hall only records electricity used in the side hall